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The most popular camera offered by Hikvision is the network cameras. The type of security that each entity and institution may need will be different as every entity will have their own necessities and needs. Hikvision is equipped to give different types of cameras according to the various facilities required by the clients. The network cameras are, as a result, the most used cameras among the CCTV cameras of Hikvision. There are various series of cameras that are offered according to the features it can provide. Pro Series cameras offer the best features among the network cameras. The pro series has features like AcuSense, Colour VU, and much more. The AcuSense can identify threats in real time and trigger the user’s mobile phones. It can arrange different folders according to the different faces and vehicles and makes searching for something in it. The next series in Colour VU, which provides high quality color images with sharp videos for you. The series could even provide colorful images in the no light as they have white light to compensate for the darker surroundings.